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香港【本地】软管泵 【水渠机】多种规格供您选择

  • 更新时间: 2025-03-19 20:29:52
  • 公司邮箱 2831509198@qq.com
  • 公司名字: [香港]豫信致诚机械设备有限公司
  • 公司地址: 香港中站李封南会253号
  • 杨经理
    香港【本地】软管泵 【水渠机】多种规格供您选择,香港豫信致诚机械设备有限公司专业从事香港【本地】软管泵 【水渠机】多种规格供您选择,联系人:杨经理,电话:0527-88266222、0527-88266222,QQ:1779278777,发货地:中站李封南会253号,以下是香港【本地】软管泵 【水渠机】多种规格供您选择的详细页面。
    为了让您更全面地了解我们的香港【本地】软管泵 【水渠机】多种规格供您选择产品,只需花费一分钟时间,您就能发现更多令人心动的细节和优势,为您的购物体验增添更多惊喜。

    以下是:香港【本地】软管泵 【水渠机】多种规格供您选择的图文介绍

    软管材质:天然橡胶,采取单管与双管设计; 软管通径约最小规格15mm; 规格100mm;流量最小规格0.15立方/小时; 规格80立方/小时;出口压力 1.6MPA ; 性能特性高含固量的流体、半流体;腐蚀、非腐蚀;  颗粒 软管通径的1/4,无尖锐棱角;低压短距离吸送,无阀工作,无回流,泵送料流稳定,故障率低。 进排口可自由转换,当有异物堵塞时,倒转便可排出堵塞物;真空度高,自吸能力强 ;维修简单快捷,易损件少(仅挤压软管) ;适用温度小于90℃。           


    Industrial hose pump series is a new type, multifunctional and multi-purpose industrial hose pump developed by absorbing foreign advanced technology. The high-performance hose pump developed by our factory has completely rid of the traditional pump impeller and shaft seal operation mode, and has great advantages for medium transportation with high viscosity, corrosiveness and large fluid impurities. Different principles have a wide range of applications.


    豫信致诚机械设备有限公司成立十余年来,承蒙社会各界朋友和广大用户的关心、支持与厚爱, 香港滑模机业务得到了健康的长足发展。目前,公司 香港滑模机产品品种丰富,技术含量高,与我们合作,让您“信心、放心、舒心”。


    The hose pump belongs to the category of peristaltic pump. It is mainly composed of a special rubber hose corresponding to a pair of pressure rollers on the rotor assembly in the pump body. When the pressure roller rotates along the rubber hose, the pressure roller and the pump housing The squeezing force flattens the rubber hose. Under the elasticity of the hose itself and the force of the side guide rollers, the fluid material is sucked in by the vacuum generated by the original state. The material is discharged from the tube under the mechanical pressure of the pressure roller, and so on. , So as to achieve the purpose of continuous output of materials.





